
Monday, June 3, 2013

Gold Rush Thoughts - Can we provide the tools & the gold?

Gold Rush Thoughts - Can we provide the tools & the gold?

Good morning everyone. I was reading about the gold rush yesterday and this morning and reflecting on a number of different lessons to be learned from it.  The gold rush was such a massively hyped event that it is a major part of our history.  I was reflecting on who really made the money and I’m sure you already knew this but it was the merchants that provided the tools.  It was the businesses that sold the picks, shovels, pans, tents, gear, food, clothing and etc.  They were the real winners in that deal and many of them did VERY WELL!  Sam Brennan made a killing by selling tools.  Levi Strauss created the canvas pants.  Phillip Armour created a meat-packing company.  John Studebaker created wagons and eventually automobiles.  Henry Wells and William Fargo created Wells Fargo and of course, Samuel Clemens became the famous author Mark Twain that told us all the stories about it. 

So the miners came with gold on their mind.  That’s all they could think about is digging for gold and living their dreams by finding that gold vein or panning for nuggets.  The dream consumed them.  We have to give them credit for working hard and going for their dreams because that was no easy task.  Walking across the prairies or arriving by ship from far off lands, then working hard labor day in and day out was no easy task.  These miners were dream chasers but very few actually found their fortune.

What if we could be the merchants that sold the necessities to the miners? How would we do? Would we make money?  Of course the answer is yes but let’s take it a step further.  What if we could not only provide the tools but also point them right to the gold?  What if we knew where the gold veins were?  What if we knew for sure exactly where to pan for gold?  And then…. We told them????  How incredible would that be?  That would be a slam-dunk, home-run, touch-down, game over winner!!!!

Well now you understand WakeUpNow.  We have the tools and we point you to the gold.  We know where the gold is because we are digging right along with you!  We have the tools to help you mine it.  We have the tools to help you pan it.  We have the gear, the food and the knowledge.  We even have the maps and the direction to exactly where it is because we are digging right along your side.  You see, we are thousands and the secret is getting out.  People are mining gold with our tools, knowledge and help.  This is the latest gold rush and its' barely getting started.  It’s called WakeUpNow. 

If you want the tools, knowledge and team to dig along-side with you during this gold rush, you need to contact the person that sent you to this page!  I'm awake!  Are you?

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